The reduction of bird collisions with the High Speed Railroad has been a topic of increasing interest in recent years. The railway infrastructures generate various effects on birds, to which high speed must be added as an additional factor of attention on this type of lines..
Life Impacto Cero project (Development and demonstration of an anti-bird strike tubular screen for High Speed Rail lines) , co-financed by the European Commission's "Life" program, has as its main objective the determination of protection measures for birds through screens anti-collision in high-speed railway lines. To do this, this project will evaluate the effectiveness of a new anti-collision screen design, based on the "exempt tube screen" concept. The aim is to increase knowledge about the interaction between railway infrastructure and bird life, with the aim of introducing design improvements that guarantee the conservation of biodiversity, thus making infrastructures compatible with the protection of birds and reducing the impact of lines. Existing and future High Speed..